The previous few days haven't been for the faint-hearted: the party, the aftermath, misunderstandings and miscalculations. I personally feel that the track selection could have been more diverse but the DJ can be forgiven. Where did everything deviate from the intended course.. Another notification and I'm reminded again that it's my birthday whilst I'm frantically trying to book the coach back to London. Their system doesn't work too well and I'm tired. I enjoyed the party, there were memorable moments and the banana costume managed to last the duration. Knowing when to stop is probably what ruptured the fault line. Brick, I've been meaning to talk to you about that.. A visit to Tropical World provided a much needed interlude with the Meerkats and Jerboa being the obvious main attractions. I'm still petrified of whatever that is.. Then a combination of bad organisation and misunderstanding and I'm here in the library, preparing to travel to London to meet everyone and continue the celebrations. It wouldn't be a proper occasion if there wasn't anything to talk about afterwards. Let's see how far we can take this.. one down, three to go...