Sunday, February 06, 2011

Tangled, Literally

Boy 8thImage by joedawson via FlickrToday my son celebrated his eighth birthday and I was more excited than him about the occasion. My girlfriend and I had arranged to take the children to the cinema and then bowling - Saturday utilising the early morning family promotion and then bowling with my family on the Sunday. Being late for the family promotion we had to chose another feature but I didn't expect this would later take away the option of bowling. We settled for Tangled which wasn't included in the promotion but was a great and thoroughly enjoyed alternative. Their mother then rearranged her plans to take them bowling the following afternoon. Obviously I wasn't the only one disappointed, members of my family were also looking forward to a rematch. Especially following on from the previous birthday meeting which resulted in footage being uploaded to YouTube. It wasn't worth making a scene about because my son's enjoyment was most important, even with further confusion over his presents I decided to avoid confrontation! He has enjoyed the fuss this weekend and they both joined me Sunday afternoon in high spirits for the routine birthday cake and family meal. It's back to Leeds for us this evening and the children should be following in a few weeks...
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