Last night we showed everyone how to end the night, checking in at Broadcasting Tower, Leeds. Broadcasting Tower is a new development in Broadcasting Place in Woodhouse Lane. In June 2010, Broadcasting Place was the recipient of the 2010 Best Tall Building in the World award by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. We should be forgiven for presuming that we would be rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous because that's not the type the rusty tower seeks to attract! The building forms part of Leeds Metropolitan University, housing its Faculty of Arts, Environment and Technology, as well as some student flats, and is close to the main campus of The University of Leeds and other academic institutions. Swaying in the wind, we were packed into a bedroom with students from various cities and countries. So much culture in one room, my university tutors would have been proud. That said, there wasn't much reaction to my attempt at speaking Russian during a presentation today. Points for trying? Tonight we're hoping the neighbours keep the noise down as we're trying to play loud music?!