Still recovering from the crisis chain that we had at work the other day, very emotional and traumatic. What this basically stands for is that if there is a crisis, key word there, then we have a contact sheet that cascades through the company and we have to call each other and then call through to work and leave a voicemail. I love that I am last on the list, is that because I am unreliable or something. Well anyway did this trial work, did it ever as most people were on it as it was a Champions League night Haha.
Anyway moving to the present and being a single parent can be tough, as most dads that CARE will explain we always seem to draw the short straw. We both want the best for our children and I suppose that is where the arguements stem but for me only seeing them weekends is hard. Being away from them without any real contact during the week makes it difficult as I like being involved in their lives as they are getting dependent now and they have great little characters. Hopefully things will change soon as we have both moved on in our lives and we need to concentrate on them.

So while me and their mum are at a stand off still, I find myself looking for adventures and nights out. Tonights adventure was going to the gymnasium which if I must admit I was kind of not looking forward to but my friend is wicked so I thought I owe it to him as he has asked me so much lately. My friend is going to be huge one day, I know that's his goal and I see it in his enthusiasm. It will be like Jurassic Park when he walks across the dancefloor with peoples drinks rippling. And the tune playing will be 'What's that coming over the hill is it a monster, is it a monster...' Bring it on big boy, He Man is waiting to test you Haha. I must say at the gym I did enjoy it, not really the weiths but swimming/drowning in the pool was cool and the sauna was refreshing. We also bumped into a celebrity down there, I will update with his name and a picture later but he was in the Football Factory.
Not long now until the weekend begins and apparently our main place where all roads lead has been burnt down. Not sure the full extent of the damage but we still plan on going down there. And if it is proper damaged then Super Tennants all the way by the ruins Haha. Just messing as my friend believes it is open tonight so we will be heading there tomorrow. Let the games begin...