Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Times

BlogosphereImage by coyenator via FlickrYou may have noticed that my blog updates aren't always as consistent as I would like them to be on the site. Ideally I would like to be able to post several updates daily but obviously due to time constraints and a hectic family/work life it proves to be difficult. No excuse I admit! You can keep up to date with what I am currently reading by subscribing to my Google Reader shared items which are available publicly at this web page

My aim over the next few months is to set aside more time so that I am able not just to write but to be constructive and thought provoking. I would also like to return to photography and share with you the world I see through the lens of a camera! It's a jungle out there and I hope to catch all the action!!

Many sites I have read believe that blog comments will again become popular in 2009. The conversation currently is decentralized with our digital identity being fractured across many environments. It's slowly improving but we are still a distance from a solution but this could be the year, especially with the introduction of Facebook Connect which I am most excited about!

Stay tuned....

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