The proceedings, they can take many directions! This evening presented an opportunity to watch the latest rentals from Blockbuster, I felt disappointed with the selection available but we were definitely influenced by the chosen material! It was a light hearted evening, the children were staying for the weekend and I had met Cheryl Cole* from work. To accompany the movies, there was popcorn for the children and alcohol for the adults. Night at the Museum 2 which is the sequel to the 2006 adventure comedy film provided decent entertainment, although the copy was damaged and we were unable to watch the final scenes.
Slumdog Millionaire is regarded as the feel good film of the decade, the rating indicated that this contained mature content but I chose to let the children watch although was poised with the remote control. Set and filmed in India, the film tells the story of Jamal Malik, a young man from the slums of Mumbai who appears on the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? I was impressed with the story, but it was the closing credits that received the most attention. Jai Ho! The night then escalated considerably, the embedded video provides an insight!!