Friday, October 01, 2010

The New Friday

Day 14 - Visual Representation of a Reading ListImage by margolove via FlickrEducation commitments have effectively enforced the notion that the weekend now starts on a Thursday. Many of our timetables display boldly that Friday doesn't consist of any lectures or seminars. Research, essays and reading obviously dictate our mindset before any concept of recreation enters our thoughts! We have only scrapped the surface of what Leeds has to offer in terms of the nightlife but already Mint has emerged as a group favourite. Providing an impressive sound system and 'disco panel' lighting this is definitely one of the best small clubs around. There's a decent crowd, even though many appear to be under some kind of influence, possible music induced euphoria?! Although the emphasis should be on enjoying the music, I found myself giving relationship advice to someone lost at sea. Not exactly what I had envisioned but I attempted to provide rationale. I didn't last the distance as my partner wasn't feeling well so I left the club night to be with her and play doctor!
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