I have been really channeling energy into course work these last few days, and have reached the point where I'm really immersed in the degree. Attending every lecture and seminar, taking constant notes, reading and spending time in the library. I have also been preparing material for the essays and exams although I'm not where I would like to be in terms of progress. Tonight I went to the library with my partner and a friend and individually concentrated on our assignments and wider research. My friend appeared distracted by Facebook and eventually lost interest completely and headed home. Our focus then shifted to food and we agreed to finish for the night, intent on creating something that required minimal effort but eventually opted for pasta bake. My partner then realised that she had forgotten her pen drive and keys, the library is only walking distance from her accommodation so I walked back to see if I could locate the misplaced item. The security person couldn't be any less helpful and although the items were recovered, he didn't receive a dinner invitation for his reluctance to provide assistance!