I travelled to my partners yesterday as there was a private party taking place. I arrived around midnight and there was distinct competition for music, we're both influenced by the Indie scene as it's not about repetitive generic music, it's not about repetitive generic music.. We already have quite a 'soundtrack' associated to our relationship, several of these tracks from gigs that we have attended and artists that we have followed! We made sure to dictate the order of play! The night was good, the bathroom scene was epic but what would Hermione Granger say about the finale? Today is Mothering Sunday, my son wrote a touching message in his card for his mother, it made me have sad face! We started the morning with a visit to the café which could have been better organised but we managed to reach the destination without incident. The morning contained plenty of action, I'm sure I heard mention that a boat was heard but sounds made up. Good times!