Friday, June 18, 2010

It's Coming Home?

Isle Wight Festival 2010 /2Image by joedawson via Flickr
I returned from the Isle of Wight festival with my partner Monday evening, the weekend surpassed our expectations. I was thankful that I used an online camping/festival guide, I can't begin to imagine how uncomfortable the ground must have felt without our portable mattress! The performances we caught have us wanting much more and we're already searching for alternative festivals to experience during the summer before we depart for University! Lounge On The Farm and the Secret Garden Party both sound appealing, Lounge On The Farm takes place after Prom which should be interesting. Since arriving home I have collected the children from school almost every night. It's a shame that this wasn't an arrangement in place earlier because I definitely feel more involved in their school work. I collected them this evening and had to wait some time for my son to emerge. This was due to a good behaviour chart he had taken to show other teachers, the reward for being good was a sticker from those that he visited! He emerged looking like he had completed a tour of duty, absolutely covered in stickers. Arriving home we decided to play football, preparation for the evening match obviously. My partner joined us after school, concluding a busy week with exams, I must admit that for someone who apparently struggles with tests she has appeared confident and composed. Signs of pressure were evident for the first time this evening but I feel that she will be fine regardless of nerves. Shame that the same can't be said about the England team! I admit to being critical of their performances on a regular basis, another uninspiring draw and a disappointing reaction from Wayne Rooney at the final whistle are a cause for concern. I think that people should be more optimistic though because we're still unbeaten and it's only the Group Stage. Better to peak later in the tournament! I won't be as positive Wednesday should we fail to get the result we need in the final Group fixture. Football isn't coming home, just yet anyway...
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