Saturday, November 06, 2010

How Will I Know

So EmotionalImage via Wikipedia
Attempting to organise a night out between two floors, visitors and twenty different expectations was always going to be difficult. Thursday was entertaining, from the 'crack den' to the dance floor and then back again. I could have sworn that Whitney Houston made an appearance but there was no sign of her in the morning! Tonight I was eager to head out and experience the firework display at Hyde Park, Leeds. Hoping that this would provide a welcome distraction from missing another event that I annually share with the children. Having already missed Halloween! I was probably the first one ready, unfortunately being dependent on others meant that the clock shifted through the motions and minutes became hours. We then received an update that the display had finished! This was unfortunate because we'll have to wait another twelve months. The plus point was that one of my partners flat mates, who had managed to head to Hyde Park, managed to win a goldfish! Christened 'Joey' which made me haps! Eventually everyone headed out to a bar which was much hyped but resembled a retro museum. It wasn't bad but I sensed that my friend wanted to experience more of Leeds. Halo being the obvious choice, I enjoyed the night but clearly hadn't consumed as much alcohol as him. He sent me on my way in the end so that he could look for cougars! There's gratitude!
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