Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Revolting And The Revolting

Demo 2010Image by joedawson via Flickr
One of the largest and most vibrant protests in recent history took place in London earlier. 50,000 students and education workers took to the capital to protest against the rise in tuition fees, reforms in education in general and to protest for a fairer, free higher education system. Unfortunately the march will be remembered for the property destruction and occupation at Millbank Tower but there was a message here even if the press focus on the disruption. My partner and her friend participated in the march and I arrived later, having travelled separately with the luggage. I followed the events on Twitter and once I arrived at Victoria Coach Station I headed to Millbank. I met my partner at Big Ben and we ventured back to Millbank Tower. There was a heavy police presence outside the building, they appeared to have gained control, ordering away the remainder of the crowd outside their perimeter. There were a few innocent bystanders and people travelling home from work caught up in the fracas, and with the Sky News helicopter overhead we decided it was safer to move on in search of warmth. My partner and her friend had enjoyed the occasion, sharing photos and stories they had taken of the many banners, messages and events. I was disappointed that I hadn't travelled to London sooner but I'm sure there will be further demonstrations.
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