Instead of my daughter attending her usual stables, today she was collected during the football presentation to go and ride one of our friends horses. After football we headed over and met up with them at the stables ready to watch my daughter ride the horse around the enclosure. To keep my son warm we stood at the gate dancing to music that I was playing from my iPhone. Then all of a sudden as the horse cantered forward my daughter lost her grip and fell onto the floor letting out a scream!
With the music still playing from my iPhone I raced to where she lay on the floor and lifted her up into my arms. It would have been more fitting had the Baywatch theme been playing and thankfully she was fine with the only impact being to her pride. She nervously got back onto the horse and trotted around the enclosure briefly before retiring to the car to change and sit in the warmth. I'm hoping the weather improves for this evening as we are heading into Central London to celebrate my partners birthday!