Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Back And To The Left

Finding NemoImage via Wikipedia

"I can't. I have a bad fin"
A combination of the Office, Gym, iPhone and Laptop have presented symptoms associated with repetitive strain injury (RSI). I'm experiencing several of the complaints that are typical in patients that might receive a diagnosis of RSI.

I decided to research into the condition, as expected the AppStore provided an App for that so I have created calendar notifications to prompt when I should have a break. Thankfully both Carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive stress disorders are preventable. The best possible scenario is never to develop symptoms, to work intelligently and to respect your body's needs. I uncovered many exercises that are essential to the maintenance and condition of the body. They are definitely innovative and introducing them to the office was an experience. Largely because the majority of the exercises are borderline rehearsals for a dance routine. If everything goes well I should recover and be available for performances in Theatre land soon..

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