Sunday, September 27, 2009

Trending Topics / Faux Paus

Will & GraceImage via Wikipedia

Head like a rock spinning round and round
I found it in a hole sitting upside down
You point the finger at me but I don't believe
Trending topics are a popular method of tracking real-time terms on the Internet. Through trends we're able to use search capabilities and the ability to mine the collective data from user messages for indicators of what's buzzing online. Finding popular terms online is relatively easy as trends surface around a topic and generate discussion.

Following fashion it's difficult to find the latest trends because it's not just about the trend, the latest look or this seasons must have outfit but also how well you can carry it! This evening I decided to introduce a bowtie and admittedly I haven't seen anyone working this -supposed- seasons trend. How was it received? I thought I managed to represent although when I was propositioned to become a 'shopping partner' it was clear that my area was not ready. I think that I will occupy myself with online trending topics for the short term :)
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