In what could possibly be the longest interview process ever, several phone conversations and telephone interviews, I finally managed to be interviewed in person. Confidence fades, but with self-belief you shouldn't have any doubts, especially when you're talking about your employment history and achievements. I don't understand how anyone is threatened by the interview process because you're talking about your relevant experience.
I sampled the surrounding area beforehand because potentially this could be where I may be working for the short term. The area was reasonable, situated in the West End it wasn't going to disappoint, the role which was discussed, provides a similar position to my previous full time employment. I'm sure I will have further telephone conversations to expand on how I felt the interview went before learning whether I have been successful for the second interview stage. Why is it so hard to get work now, I'm starting to agree with the Government that moving away from the capital is the only realistic alternative! Spain anyone!
I sampled the surrounding area beforehand because potentially this could be where I may be working for the short term. The area was reasonable, situated in the West End it wasn't going to disappoint, the role which was discussed, provides a similar position to my previous full time employment. I'm sure I will have further telephone conversations to expand on how I felt the interview went before learning whether I have been successful for the second interview stage. Why is it so hard to get work now, I'm starting to agree with the Government that moving away from the capital is the only realistic alternative! Spain anyone!