I have written that it's been difficult finding employment, consistently I have applied for roles but haven't heard anything, been unsuitable or the role wasn't what I had expected. I have tried to remain positive, especially as there are a record 32 people applying for every job in London. Although I have experienced problems, the same can't be said for my partner because tonight she started her third role. Save some for the rest of us! It makes me wonder whether I'm either too qualified or being unrealistic when searching for work. I met her afterwards, I'm certain that she isn't expecting this to be a career but it provides valuable experience. Especially for university because I doubt we'll be allowed the luxury of being too selective. I have been proactive recently and applied for work in the North West that might become available in September. I don't really know what to expect, financially it will be difficult and living in a different city to everyone will be a challenge. Not long now, should I have doubts?