Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Heights

Magical Mountains - On ExploreImage by sir_watkyn via Flickr
The weekend had promised so much but didn't reach our expectations. The children, my partner and I were originally going to set up the tent and stay in the garden but the conditions weren't suitable. Instead the warmth of inside was much more attractive! My partner had arrangements with friends for the evenings but stayed over both nights when she returned home. She's the greatest after a few drinks! Saturday we awoke early, heading to the cinema to take advantage of Movies For Juniors but we arrived too late to qualify for the promotion. Instead we settled for Blockbuster, several DVD's were carefully selected and enjoyed over the duration of the weekend. The local park hosted a fun fair which we visited briefly, not really much available but the bumper cars were good entertainment value. I feel sad and nervous that this is the last full weekend that I will spend with both the children and my partner for a while. Everything is going to change and I'm worried that it may never be the same again once I move to Leeds! Moving into a new chapter is difficult and I wish I had the strength and knowledge to understand but I feel that is something I still have yet to gain!
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