Monday, September 06, 2010

A Design For Life

ChildrenImage by joedawson via FlickrIt's been an emotional few weeks, plenty of activity and being without the children for such an extensive period has been difficult. They have been on holiday and I have missed them loads. This year has been the hardest as there have been occasions when I haven't been able to see them. A combination of disagreements, miscommunications and the holiday have all contributed to time apart. They returned home from their six-week holiday today and I'm excited because I will see them soon. Once they recover from all the cocktails!! I haven't spoke to them as much as I would have liked, I put that down to the time difference. Moving to Leeds will soon become a factor and I expect that it will take some time adapting. I believe that with communication tools and plenty of travelling I will be able to stay actively involved. I'm confident that I will find work in Leeds, I have been in contact with the university and promoters about potential roles and it's looking positive. That will assist with travel arrangements, not long now..
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