They made a great little-large act and I think the presence of the older boys must have come across as slightly daunting to some of the people answering the door. I always get reminded of the Adam Sandler movie; Big Daddy around Halloween, the scene where he breaks into the guy who won't answer his door's house. Classic!
After walking around for a while my son revealed that he couldn't actually see in the dark via his mask and my daughter was starting to feel the cold taking grip. I went back to my parents to pick up the car and was able to thaw them out so that they could continue on their journey. We eventually arrived home with an impressive haul of sweets and around eight pence which was extremely useful.
Today has been largely dominated by the weather and of course football, first the morning started with my son playing and scoring his now weekly goals. Horse riding followed which was really encouraging as my daughter was in full control of the horse without the aid of the usual helpers. Then it was all down to me dictating the viewing and listening proceedings and finally watching Match of the Day, congratulations to Chelsea for their 5-0 win over Sunderland. And of course to Tottenham and Stoke for getting results against our rivals! I tried to make it as not intrusive as possible but I think the marathon was in full view. At least football isn't on the agenda for tomorrow, that's reserved for the Formula 1 finale...