Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Look But Don't Touch

Image representing Google Reader as depicted i...Image via CrunchBase

Micro-blogging site Twitter updated recently to include trends and an integrated version of its search engine. Facebook have confirmed that users will start to see the new homepage today, designed to make it faster and easier to create multimedia updates and receive instantaneous feed items from your network. I still haven't seen either updated homepage yet but apparently they are available in some regions.

Anyway this evening Google announced an update for Google Reader introducing the ability to have conversations with friends about shared items. Thankfully here was an update that I could finally experience but alas due to comments only being visible to all friends of the original person who shared the item I'm in the dark. This is due to having a limited amount of friends using Google Reader so there goes the conversation. All the updates still look very impressive although personally it's look but don't touch :)

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