Steve Jobs was rushed to the ER just a few hours ago after suffering a major heart attack. I have an insider who tells me that paramedics were called after Steve claimed to be suffering from severe chest pains and shortness of breath. My source has opted to remain anonymous, but he is quite reliable. I haven't seen anything about this anywhere else yet, and as of right now, I have no further information, so I thought this would be a good place to start. If anyone else has more information, please share it.
What appeared to be a scoop for citizen journalism ended up being nothing more than a farce. Failure to check a reliable source led to this becoming a major story, leading to Apple's stock plunging ten percent. What this story shows is that the Web 2.0/Social Media distribution has become an integral part of our news delivery system. Sites such as Twitter, Digg etc were spreading the word and with no immediate confirmation or denial just acknowledgement that, true or false, this was a big moment for citizen journalism. With this unverified it was down to the reader to evaluate and the signal for gossip to commence.
Just as Steve Jobs had informed us recently from his keynotes in San Francisco that the reports of his death were greatly exaggerated that was to be the conclusion here! CNN who's credibility will have been damaged by this report will now have to assist in the SEC investigation which will take place. Silicon Valley Insider who were covering the story as it developed eventually spoke to Apple spokeswoman Katie Cotton who dismissed the report as fake. Within minutes Apple's stock which had plummeted, recovered and then 20 minutes later the iReport story was removed from CNN. An eventful morning and here is to hoping that Steve Jobs stays in good health for a long time...