Monday, October 19, 2009

Twitter Scares Hollywood

Disney - Snow White And Seven Dwarfs MuralImage by Joe Penniston via Flickr

I learnt that Hollywood still doesn’t get social media, studios are scared that actors could be leaking sensitive material through social networks like Twitter and Facebook. Instead of embracing the exposure and marketing potential they have decided to insert clauses in their contracts forbidding them from reaching out to their followers and fans.
This could also explain Miley Cyrus’ Twitter exit earlier this month. The Disney talent contracts forbids confidentiality breaches via “interactive media such as Facebook, Twitter, or any other interactive social network or personal blog.” Dreamworks are restraining eager writers with a similar clause in their contracts regarding sharing of press releases on “a social networking site, blog or other Internet-type site.”
I understand that they want to control their asset but I enjoy reading about Woody the Cowboys wild nights out and what Snow White thinks of eating out without the seven dwarfs. The ability to interact with people on a personal level enhances the brand and raises the profile. Hollywood needs to move into the modern age!!

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