Monday, July 14, 2008

It's the end..., Inc.Image via Wikipedia"It's with a heavy heart, and much consideration, that today I would like to announce my retirement from blogging."
Jason McCabe Calacanis, July 11th 2008.

Jason Calacanis the CEO of is apparently retiring from blogging, this has sparked a lot of debate and led to some interesting blog posts. Jason has opted for 'something smaller, something more intimate, and something very personal: an email list'. You have read that correctly although like myself many remain unconvinced that this is truly the end. I have added my email to the list although even if I am not successful the information will surface. Like it has already with the first email sent to the subscribers!

So is blogging dead, is it the end of the Internet as we know it? Of course it isn't, there appears to be a lot of uncertainty about the direction of Web 2.0 at the moment. Recently Robert Scoble was quoted as saying that Comments were dead but I interact with people on so many levels through many different mediums which says otherwise. Both blogging and comments are maturing, to what extent will we be interacting with our peers in future? Doesn't seem that the A-Listers are too sure as they're just adding to the confusion! Anyone in need of a PenPal?

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