It's here I find myself, stood basked in the English summer with the
Today was a return to the buzz of the Saturday assault on my wallet with the children participating in their hobbies. First up was the eager boy, fresh from his warm up music (Captain Jack Sparrow song) he was running around the pitch with a point to prove. He did well but his frustration showed as he missed several chances before finding himself on the imposing end of a tackle which left him embarrassed and the other boy in tears. Even Zidane had his moments but I am not Papa Zizu. Composure young Jedi, there is a time and a place for the force.
Next up was My Little Pony, she was really looking forward to working with the horses and she impressed the staff as they quizzed her on the names of the cleaning brushes. Take into account she has only done Pony Club once before and just on the back of a two week absence due to the holiday and she correctly named every brush. I was proud watching from the stable doorway as she cleaned the hooves. It's just a shame that just as they come back into their activities that they have to leave again for a brief period as they are away with their mother next week.
Today was eventful in a lot of ways but there was sadness as the Kitten who is quite a character had to go back to the person who gave it to us. This is due to all the uncertainty and movement going on currently as it has been passed from pillar to post in the last month. What was crazy though is that it didn't recognise it's mother and even went for her a couple of times. Shouldn't take long for it to settle but made me laugh picturing that occurring with humans and my mother for instance.
Off out tonight to try and cut some serious ruggage...