Also popular imports Liked today by several people are being displayed as '..other mateys' which is a novel extra. The beta site has today replaced the previous build as the default and behind the scenes the developers continue to make improvements as there is now duplicate detection in place to calm the seas and it appears as though they have limited the imports shown on our FriendFeed profile!
The updated FriendFeed site is popular and I haven't seen any backlash, which can't be said for Facebook as the recent site update there has received a mixed reception. Personally I think the improvements are excellent and as soon as the new.facebook became public knowledge I abandoned ship from the original and sailed into the new horizon! Not to be outdone by FriendFeed, Facebook has also got in on the act with International Talk Like a Pirate Day as if you head over here you can translate everything to English (Pirate).
I have added some related articles below which have details on other sites getting involved. Taking it a step further still earlier this morning my friend introduced me to The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster [Details] I so need to get myself a copy of the Gospel!!!