This new release allows you specify the sources you want to see in the suggestions list that Zemanta provides. You can now incorporate your own social networks, RSS feeds, and photos from your Flickr account into your blog posts. This makes Zemanta a lot more appealing to established bloggers who are in less need of suggestions and more in need of automation [Source].
There are four new features available: My Friends, My Feeds, My Pictures and filtering. As well as the customisation options for blog posts you can now login and connect up to your Flickr account so that you can add your own images and your Amazon ID. There is also the ability to connect up to you Social services, available now are Twitter and MyBlogLog, ReadWriteWeb mention Facebook available but that isn't currently an option for me. You can also add an RSS feed for a blog that you want Zemanta to follow and upload your OPML file from Google Reader. All that is missing is a Pirate translation tool for tomorrow's Talk Like A Pirate Day!!!