Sunday, April 22, 2007

Butter wouldn't melt

This picture of my son was taken this afternoon and although at times he is an angel and really makes me proud other times I wish I had him on a lead. Today was one of those days for me and it's difficult sometimes in having to tell him off as I only really see him at weekends but it has to be done. I don't believe in hitting children so it's a challenge getting through and letting him know that he has done something wrong without him thinking it's a joke. anyway here goes...

Once upon a time in the land of Manga characters a small group of five heroes were slowly awakening from their sleep. Having been doing house/garden work the day before today we decided would be about having fun and getting out. Easier said than done as getting us all ready was eventful and the tempo was being set by my boy who was doing his best impression of a trumpet in a library at times haha. My daughter was being well behaved but she became agitated when she didn't have anything decent to wear. Looks like the Manga's now have a mission and we flew off in the direction of Bromley.

Hmmm why Manga's I expect you are thinking, well that is aimed at me. My girl thinks that where my hair is getting big again that I am looking like a Manga character once again. I admit it's true as I think so as well so anyway we all choose names and headed to the shops. We met up with a friend here and divided into two teams as my girl took my daughter to look at clothes and we tried to keep my boy entertained and try and find somewhere to watch the football. Wasn't worth watching as Chelsea failed to gain ground on Man Utd who drew yesterday and Chelsea drew today with Newcastle. Whilst waiting for my girl at a shop my boy ran off and I had to hunt him down which was a little embarrassing but he surpassed that later once we were at the park but after that he seemed to adjust and calm down a little.
We didn't stay at the park too long as we had to head back and catch a train and it was here that my boy nailed it with the quote of the weekend. Having not listened to me ushering him to cross the road with me he fell over. We dusted him off and checked his knee which was bleeding and in seeing this he yelled out loudly 'I'm melting'. Felt for him but that is a classic one haha. Their mum picked them up a little while later and the remaining Manga's headed back to my girls. Payday tomorrow and as my girls daughter discovered to her enjoyment there's not much left in my wallet. Hopefully this will be the month I will get my car sorted...