Sunday, April 08, 2007


The night started well and on the journey there we rocked out to some Disney classics, was well funny racing around the Dartford one way listening to the Lion King. First stop was the Paper Moon and due to it lacking in atmosphere where quickly moved on to Tollgate. The music was decent here and we found a present for me in a cardigan which I attempted to put on but it ripped under the armpit. Once we had all met up we moved on to the Bull and Vic...
It's funny here as it's like a gateway to Essex, we rocked out here for a short while and I even saw some balloons come in that I wanted to make mine but the people with the were soon kicked out. Lucky for me though one lowly balloon was left behind so I helped myself to it. My friend smokes and with him being 8'10 I tied his cigarette to it and left it in the air for him to smoke. Was funny while it lasted and on we were again to the next pub which was the Littern Tree...
He we stepped it up a little with the dancing, especially the girls who got onto the podium. I attempted to join them but was laughed off by the DJ. Didn't bother me too much as I then poisoned him, just joking as I got to taking pictures and made a new friend who seemed really interested in me for some reason. After a few drinks here we moved onto the final stop of the night which was Air and Breathe...
We had it out here and partied through the night until home time beckoned and we were off rocking out to more beats from the Disney Album. I was at a loss though as I knew none of the words...