Monday, September 03, 2007

Shiver me timbers!!

I must admit I was well impressed with Pirates of the Caribbean 3, okay I am a fan of the pirate series but it was a wicked movie. I don't mind that I didn't get to see it in the cinema as you can't get much better than laying in bed watching it. I won't spoil the ending but I have a feeling that this won't be the last in the series. I am hoping it isn't anyway as Captain Jack is the one! Anyway today I had to finish off monthly statistics at work, managed to complete everything to what I figured was required only to be told they wanted something different. Grrr! Impressed with my working knowledge of Excel now though as I can put together some decent formulas. My girls sister came over tonight and made us a well nice dinner and we've just finished watching Britain's Next Top Model and huh!?!?! How come out of the finalists the person with the worst portfolio of pictures managed to win. Oh well least it goes to show that I've never been tapped up as a model as those scouting potential are blind. That does me anyway!!