Friday, February 08, 2008

Life in multiple choice...

I am living in multiple choices at the moment, making all the wrong decisions though which is a pain. Been meaning to pick up a double bed for the last two weeks, the trouble being getting hold of my brother though as it's no easy task. Anyway tonight I managed to get the wheels in motion and got the confirm that tonight is the night. Wrong!! With my girl ill and my children at my parents awaiting pick up I should have bored it off but I felt no time like the present. The journey there was good fun as the conversation with my brother and his girlfriend was good. He has a good ear for music and we were talking about tastes in music and what we were feeling. Arrived at my girl's parents to pick up the beds and then from there moved on to the next objective which was the kids. By this time it was getting late and on arriving at my girls taking the kids up and the clamor of the bed being brought in disturbed baby and... oh you get the picture. Hopefully can work things out as for this multiple choice question I get graded an F- !!