Sunday, October 21, 2007

Hold your heads high!!

Tonight was supposed to be a double celebration, it ended up being only for one though but it was a good one. We were out to celebrate our friends birthday and were hoping for England to win the Rugby. It wasn't to be with the Rugby and even though we celebrated the Try that never was we soon turned our attention away from the sport that we don't really understand anyway onto celebrating the birthday. We started in Bromley and after the game moved onto Croydon. I was driving so it was a smooth journey other than trying to find somewhere to park. We spent our night in Walkabout and had it out to the cheese before departing at close on what we believed to be a shortcut. How wrong were we as we walked the long way around, I switched shoes with my girl and then wore my socks through before locating the car again and heading off in a race to beat morning!!