Saturday, December 08, 2007

Hälsningar från det Sverige landet

So we headed to Ikea today, picking up my daughter on the way to complete the family mission. Ikea is a good place for furniture and also the food isn't bad so we had a feast haha! Okay an exaggeration but we ate there and the highlight was some chocolate cake which was well filling. Baby well loved it but then hey she well loves chocolate, just like her mum ha! After picking up some bits we were going to be heading to Toys R Us but instead just hit Lakeside for a look around.

Disney gave us a good few ideas for presents but our main focus was in the Christmas store, should have got my boy on a leash though as he smashed something much to our embarrassment. So much potential here but we kept spending to a minimum as our Christmas decorations are building up now and don't want to end up with an overkill!!
Got to be up in a few hours as going to be watching the Hatton fight, well excited and can't wait to see what is looking like being a really good fight!!!!