Saturday, December 01, 2007

Alice through the looking glass...

It was a very blustery day and our two adventurers were not feeling very well, not to be put off though they took some medicine to make them better. One of the adventurers was a little too eager with the medicine and the world suddenly took a different look. It was a magnificent place now with glorious colours and fabulous new people.
They decided to take the train somewhere, a place where usually there are vehicles. Today was different instead of the usual buzz of traffic there was a stampede of people and colour everywhere. There was also creatures from other realms and also Santa's everywhere!! Unsure what to do we figured that shopping would put them back to where they came from. This didn't work as we couldn't find anything to buy. Many hours passed and it wasn't until we got our first Christmas gifts of the day that everything seemed to return to normal. By this time our feet hurt and the camera had ran out of battery. Until the next time adventurers, sweet dreams!!