After shopping around we headed to the tube which is where en route we had an impromptu photo session, people who passed us I think thought we were mad. Or maybe they thought there was something significant about the place, needless to say we carried on with our photo shoot. Passing through Old Street definitely had a feel of work about it, I don't know why though! Was a guy on the train wearing a V to Vendetta mask, most passengers seemed oblivious to him. I found it to be really random, only in London!
Brixton was on it, as we arrived on a replacement bus service we were greeted by a rude gentleman who was being really disrespectful to the women that he passed. No one seemed to notice so I suppose him being so vocal was likely down to a lifetime of being ignored by women! After eating at Subway we found a bar that was showing the football, ordered a round of drinks and sat down to enjoy the action. Wish we had discovered this place earlier so that we could have eaten out instead of settling for a Subway sandwich! We must have looked like the slowest drinkers ever as we sat there chatting and still hadn't finished by the time the match had finished. Needed to make up for lost drinking time so we made a brief stop at an Off License to get us the essentials, then moved on with alcohol at the ready to watch N*E*R*D and Special Guests at the Brixton Academy...