Thursday, March 29, 2007
Where's my script...
One thing I didn't touch on yesterday is that I finally got a coat, well I ordered it actually from ASOS so it's just a case of waiting for it to be delivered. I was expecting to spend quite a bit as decent clothes for guys aren't cheap but I managed to pick this up for a well good price. It will probably fall apart in a week now haha. Why is it that when you have cash there is nothing that looks worth buying but when something else takes priority there is an abundance.
Think I will well utilise ASOS over the coming months although not going to distance from my usual shops. Making a lot of plans at the moment as well but nothing of significance just want goals and something to plan for. Feel in slow motion a bit today, don't think I am coming down ill but do feel like I need to hibernate for a bit haha. Need to also fix up with the birthday plans as the date is looming closer. Hopefully I will have my phone back in time as I am feeling naked without it haha !!