Today is my sister's birthday and we are heading down to Maidstone for a night out in Liquid and Envy. As tonight will be busy we celebrated her birthday yesterday, everyone was there, well everyone that could be expected as my brother was the usual absentee. Some how people had not told him directly and instead he was at home with his girlfriend and he had been on the brew so couldn't drive over. Minus two we all celebrated her special day and she seems to have gone further than me in my peak of being residence at every bar and been on one for the last week. Suppose it's in the blood I guess ha!
Today has been of sorts as the children have all gone off to the Grandparents for the night while we go out and make shapes on the dance floor. I am in two minds whether to drink or drive although a combination of a little bit of both is a no go! All shall be revealed tomorrow I expect, enjoy your evenings as well I guess in the knowledge that tomorrow there is no work so no need to worry about Monday blues!!