Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Back to work

After a good holiday it was back to work today, same journey, same routine but it was good. Going to miss being at home with the family all day but I am not going to have that luxury until I retire so I better earn and learn enough quickly to be comfortable to retire! Fingers crossed that happens quickly as being the guy we do miss a lot of the upbringing of the kids. Feel well tired and was expecting to be stunned by the rise in ticket prices but it wasn't too bad. At least not as bad as some places anyway.

Was a lot of travel problems today but the good news is that snow is expected tomorrow. I am hoping for ten metres to fall, I hope it comes true. Tonight I am off around my sisters as it's her birthday. Last year my youngest brother got wrecked and tried it with all her mates, lets hope it's more of the same ha!