The above photo shows my girl in what I can only believe to be her version of a Formula1 car. She clearly enjoyed the race this weekend as she was sitting there making grunting sounds like she was changing through the gears. Or was it that she was trying to keep warm after being out in the snow. That's right, SNOW!!!
Couldn't believe it this morning, whilst cleaning my teeth I looked through the window and was amazed at the blanket of snow covering everything!
Like a child I made sure I woke everybody up, sadly Baby had to leave us for a couple of hours as she was going off on her adventures. This set us up for a great prank as my Girl was speaking to the Grandparents and as she headed towards the front door we ambushed her. Hurling snowballs and laughing as she tried to respond throwing desperately and probably getting herself more ha!

We got ready and headed over the local park and on the way had some crazy fun with the snow. Throwing it about and getting into mischief with randoms. Didn't take long for the kids to start getting cold so we rolled up a snowman much to their delight. Was impressed with the size of him as he was huge. Apparently his name is Tom, we'll check up on him tomorrow but with the snow already showing signs of melting I don't know how long he will survive.

Although the Formula1 was a bit of a blow out with Lewis colliding with Alonso after losing position from the start. Was it Alonso's fault, I believe so although not too much was said during the race but you got the feeling the commentators were trying to slyly make that accusation. He still managed to finish the race but no points on the board so he is no longer leading the field. I believe he will come back and stronger! On to Manchester United and they drew with Boro so the end of the season is looking very good. With Chelsea only three points back now, and with Arsenal up next for them it could all be decided at Stamford Bridge which could well end up being the decider and not just the turn up and kick about we've seen over previous seasons!