Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Rain, rain go away!!

Logo in 2007.Image via WikipediaI am not very good at organising anything, when I do it normally doesn't work out how I intend. Firstly tomorrow I am taking the time off to take the family to Alton Towers. Just looking out of the window you may be thinking why bother. It's not looking good as it has rained for the last couple of days and the outlook for tomorrow is more rain. My hands are tied though as I sent off some tokens that I collected with the view that the date range I applied for would indeed mean that it would cover that period giving me flexibility. Wrong answer! The date range is obviously narrowed down and then a set date is allocated, I end up with midweek so I have to take the children out of school for a day and also it's miserable weather. We're going to pick up some mac's or possibly a tent to run around under like a giant tortoise!

Next up I am planning on taking everyone away for a break, same tokens collected although this time it's more flexible. You would think as their mother is planning on taking them away as well and this falls around the same period. Leaving me with what looks like a one date possibility! You win some and you lose some I suppose and hopefully all will fall in to place and we'll have the best holidays ever!! Umbrellas at the ready!