Saturday, April 05, 2008

How to look cool whilst eating an Oreo!

Today had a very fast start, literally it was hit the ground running! I didn't want to have to have a proper shower before we went to my son's football but I woke up looking like a very wrong Russell Brand. Don't know what had happened in the night, maybe my girl had a severe dribble problem and just soaked the pillow. Anyway whatever went on then it stays there...

Arrived at football with seconds to spare and got him on his way, he seemed really enthusiastic but by the time he was with the others he lost his way. I don't know whether he was still asleep but he was like a Mime on the pitch at times. They stuck him in goal for the start but quickly pulled him out after the ball rolled past him twice with him not even registering where he was. This mood carried on for a while so I called him over to me, he trotted over only to trip metres from me. This led him to burst into tears and leave me looking like a mean parent that had just unleashed hell and fury on him. The Coach came over and between us we tried to get him interested but he was on another planet and instead opted to be the assistant referee with reluctance.

Half Time Toilet break and I was able to catch him on his way back from the toilets and I zipped him up in his coat and told him to come alive. I said if he was cold it was because he wasn't moving and that he needed to pick up the pace. He definitely upped his 'A' game as he was a different person! Shame that the rest of the family had headed over to the shops as they missed a good performance with him connecting with the ball a few times. Some how he always comes away boasting that he scored, hopefully he will soon as I am sure that will give him a massive confidence boost.

We left to meet up with the others and caught up with them in Woolworths, from here we mooched about and then headed to the bookies. Have a busy weekend of sport lined up but we only had eyes for the National. We selected five horses, one for each of us, just because we liked their names and put the ticket in the glove box for good luck. Next stop was my parents and here we changed their clothes for the party they were to be attending with their mother that afternoon. We then had to wash their hair out, this was because one had red hair and the other green! Something random their mother had done and because of the rush this morning I wasn't able to do it so quickly had to rectify that now. Didn't take long and they were soon looking amazing and picked up to go to the celebrations.

After she collected them I stopped to pick up some games for my brother and his friend and then headed to Bluewater with my Girl and Baby. Headed to the Sports Bar to watch the Grand National first and caught it in mid race. We settled down and were listening out for our five horses, they did well at one point three of them held the top three positions. This changed around and the eventual winner was the horse that we picked out for Baby. She will be spending the money on Champagne I am sure. We were starving now and Nando's was on the menu, it was delicious, stupidly I took extra hot again and zoned out as I felt like I was exploding! I'll avoid going into detail here ha! We looked around at the clothes and Baby had so much fun as she slept the whole way around only waking briefly at the end!

Next we headed to the collection point to pick up the other children and then back to base to watch Big Momma's House. The children were well tired and it didn't take long for them to start falling asleep. I gave the eldest a big cuddle after the movie as she was laying next to me and when I looked at her face she had tears in her eyes. She tried to style it out saying that she had something in her eye but I knew that wasn't true. She told me as I put her to bed that it was because she loved me and it just made her happy. She made me well happy as well.

Quick sport update and well impressed with the National and also due to Chelsea moving within two points of Manchester United who play tomorrow. Also got the Formula 1 and it looks tough for Lewis as Ferrari are looking very strong at the moment!! Exciting stuff, I am sure my Girl loves all this sport on the television ha!