Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Out Of Action
Today started on a downer, felt well rough last night and that carried over to this morning. Rarely have time off work but today I couldn't get with it and felt proper rough so decided that it best I have a day off. Finally sorted out some outstanding parking tickets which have been floating for a while. They are proper old and I was certain that they had been cleared but to save any grief I have now come to an agreement. Just downloading some tunes at the moment and lazing about with my sister and my son who has paid us a visit after school. Looking after him whilst not feeling with it is a challenge but I don't mind as least I am getting to see him. My daughter finishes school later this afternoon, not sure if I will be seeing her though as not sure what plans their mother has for them. Tuesday is usually reserved for a cinema night but not sure whats on the agenda later. At the moment I don't really feel it but depends how I feel later !!